AI Personal Policy 2025
Template for LinkedIn Recommendations
Prefer Atomic Commits
Godin's V is for Vulnerable
The "Precis" book review template
The "Main Learning" book review template
The 1-2-3 guide to writing a Brief Bio
How to write a job description
Situation, Complication, Question, Answer (SCQA)
Functional Zero Bugs
Learn to write in a single draft
Visual Communication
Recent Win
Refactor risk assessment
Structural Authority
RSpec Describe class and instance methods
RSpec Describe and Context
Reorganization and change management
Work In Progress, Visually
Operational Skills Triangle
DORA metrics: Lead and Cycle times
Git commit hygiene
Functional Objects
Reliable data migrations in Rails
Git public vs private history
What about line length, anyway?
Linting, global or local exclusion?
Company Standard UUID
Four stages of technical investment
Company Standard Date
Rewriting software
The What of Best Practice
Aggregation of Marginal Gains
Technical Debt from Ward Cunningham
Atomic and Minimal
The Anna Karenina Principle, technically speaking
Notes on the Synthesis of Form
Bradfield School Leadership Reading
Three great business reads for programmers
A few notes on email authentication
Shredding memory in C
The Fibonacci generating function
Conflating inaccuracy in data with imprecision in software
Notes on upgrading Rails 3.1 to 3.2
Building out Middleman menus with Bootstrap
Caller-specified callback in Ruby
Carving Ruby arrays
Verizon's 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report
Sections of a Prefabricated Henhouse
A Ruby Mockingbird
Going static with Middleman
Ruby callbacks
Ruby guard clause FTW
Ruby showdown:
Vending machines Vegas style
Naming functions and methods
Ruby vs. Python
Programming tradecraft
Made to Stick: 6 universal characteristics of ideas that won't leave your head
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:Program.obj'
C/C++ Naming conventions (Part II)
C/C++ Naming conventions (Part I)
Why C and not C++?